No New Comics Releasing Physically After This Week

For lots of nerds picking up new comic books is a weekly ritual. However, starting the week of April 1st that will no longer be possible. The COVID-19 crisis is shutting down the distribution of comics. This isn’t affecting just independent companies. DC and Marvel will both be impacted.

You can read more about this distribution issue here.

Because of these changes in distribution for public safety, this may herald the end of days for traditional bricks and mortar stores. This might indicate the world going more digital and more distribution through outlets such as Amazon in the future.

What do you think this means for the comic book industry long term? Do you think this will mean the demise of comic shops? Comment below.

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  1. I don’t think so. Comic shops have an advantage over normal bookshops. They tend to have a bunch of related stuff in there too. Travelling Man in Manchester has a load of board games, RPG rulebooks, dice and I think they have regular gaming events where people might also buy some comics (although I’ve never really checked). I think there’s enough crossover between comics nerds and games nerds to maintain something. It all depends on how long it takes to get past the pandemic. People might be less willing to play in person in the future. I hope not.


    1. Interesting take. I certainly do agree with that and hope it’s the case. Since local comic shops help the local economy. I just worry they might not survive given the sales of comics in a traditional sense is waning, at least it was last time I looked into it.


  2. I hope that this won’t mean the demise of comic book shops… I get that we’re living in a more digital age, but there’s something about holding an actual comic book that a digital one just can’t replicate. I’m a lover of traditional books, though. 😛


    1. I also love traditional books. Also, I’m sure we could still get physical stuff once this all sorts itself out through amazon.


      1. I know, but I’ve been going to my local comic book store since I was a kid. There’s something amazing about being able to browse the aisles and flip through the comics as you decide which ones to buy. 🙂


  3. I don’t think it will lead to the demise of comic shops, however it may lead to shops finding other ways of selling comic books with apps like afterpay. I think this would be a good idea, and save the long wait via mail from amazon. Comic shops are hard enough to find in Australia as things stand.


      1. Victoria, Australia – I know of 3 only. Music shops are also on the way out here, one day in the future I’ve heard no one will be able to buy a guitar in a store. It’s interesting what might happen to comic shops here.


      2. I think music shops will have a resurgence. I wonder if other large cities in Australia have more comic shops?


  4. Same here, I might look into that. Sydney, Australia is the most populated, they might have more there. I also think a resurgence will occur with music stores.


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