Guardians of The Galaxy Likely to be a part of the Next Thor Movie

Even if Vin Diesel who plays Groot in the Guardians of The Galaxy plus Avengers movie hadn’t come out and said the intergalactic group of heroes would appear in the next Thor movie one could have figured it out just from where the last Avengers film ended, with Thor going off to travel with said group. However, the actor has given this idea more credence in a recent interview.

As a whole, there has been a lot of new regarding Thor: Love & Thunder. It was rumoured a while ago that Christian Bale would play the bad guy in said movie. It was recently confirmed that would be the case. It has also been confirmed that Taika Waititi would also return to the franchise. Waititi directed the last Thor film, Thor: Ragnarok, he also played the fan favourite character Korg in Ragnarok and reprised the role for Avengers Endgame. If you would like to read more about what Diesel had to say about the next Thor movie you can do so here.

What are your thoughts on this fan theory more or less getting confirmed? Comment below.

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  1. For some reason, I just really loathed Ragnarok. I may have to give it one other watch, but my one and only view so far had me shaking my head. It felt more like a comedy, had bad writing and felt cheap. Maybe the first two Thor films just raised the bar for me higher than it should have been, but idk how I feel about the same director returning… Assuming a fourth film does come out.


    1. A fourth one is in the works. It’s called Thor: Love & Thunder. Also Waititi has gone on record as saying most of the scenes were improvised for Ragnarok. Personally it’s my favourite MCU film as it feels fresh and different to me.


      1. It was certainly different, and yeah I know a lot of people did enjoy the fresh approach. I, respectfully, just hated it. I’ll wait until your review before watching a fourth 😁


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