Doctor Strange 2 adds Original Spider-Man Trilogy director as its own

The original Spider-Man trilogy which was released by Sony Pictures ran from 2002 – 2007 featured Sam Raimi as the director for all three, of those three movies two were amazing, and three was average. Still, batting 2-for-3 isn’t bad. However, based on reports it looks like Raimi will direct the follow up to 2016’s Doctor Strange. Ultimately this change in directors makes sense as this movie, titled Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has been described as Marvel’s first attempt at a horror movie, Raimi cut his teeth as a director with horror movies, and you might even know his most famous one, namely the Evil Dead franchise.

The reason that Scott Derrickson won’t be returning for a second stab at Doctor Strange is because of creative differences between him and Marvel Studios. However, it seems that Derrickson has no ill will over the matter and actually praised Marvel over their decision to hire Raimi as the latest director for the project. This Doctor Strange sequel is rumoured to have a release date of May 5, 2021.


So what do you think on this change in directors? Do you think Raimi can recapture the magic he had with Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 or do you think he’s going to have a repeat experience of Spider-Man 3 on his hands with this movie? Whatever your thoughts happen to be comment below.

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  1. Looking forward to seeing what he does with this franchise; Rami is definitely capable of producing some great stories on the silver screen..


  2. I think that Riami will do a good job with it, considering the backlash Spider Man 3 got. I have a feeling that Riami learned from the mistakes of Spider Man 3, and thus Doctor Strange 2 should prove to be a good film.


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