Robert Downey Jr. Confirms No More Iron Man

Ever since he kicked it off in 2008 Robert Downey Jr. has been the main pillar of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, his time as the cornerstone finally ended last year with Avengers: Endgame. A lot of fans have been clamouring for Downey Jr. to make at least cameo appearances in the MCU going forward however the actor has stated, “To me, starting up again is off the table,” the obvious need not be stated further.

However, Downey does owe a lot of his current career resurgence to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though one has to admit Marvel did take Tony Stark’s story as far as they could and there literally is no need to revisit the series. However, the actor may just change his tune if he produces more box office bombs, as his first post-MCU acting credit, Doolittle did little at the box office, to date the film is projected to lose Universal $100 million! That’s no small cash and you can read more about that here. If you’re interested in reading more about what the actor had to say on a potential return to the MCU you can do so by clicking here.

So what are your thoughts on Downey Jr. saying no return for him as Tony Stark? Do you think a return of Iron Man could potentially work in the future or do you think his story is 100% complete and it’s an open and shut case? Whatever your thoughts happen to be comment below and while you’re at it comment your favourite Downey Jr. film, Marvel Cinematic Universe or otherwise, and your least favourite entry in his filmography wouldn’t hurt either.


  1. As much as I love Tony Stark, I am looking forward to Robert doing more films outside the Marvel universe and to producing more films together with his wife.


  2. Robert is terrific and I think that the pairing of his talents with this franchise was a huge win for he and the marvel universe. I think the character played out perfectly throughout each film and it’s understandable that it comes to an end. I look forward to seeing him in other roles as well and hopefully returning as Sherlock Holmes sooner than later.


  3. I think they need to leave it be. It was done well. He had a long go and the whole character building served it’s purpose. They were good movies, they should be left alone, in my opinion.


  4. He must not care about money lol You know I don’t like superheroes but it seems that’s the number 1 movies to make anymore. I guess this leaves the best one left now the original black sabbath song.😁🤘


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