Marvel Launches a New Black Widow Series

Ever since the MCU became a thing the character Natasha Romanoff has just been growing in popularity. So with a Black Widow film on the horizon, it just makes sense for Marvel to strike while the iron is hot and launch a new comic book series for the beloved character. The series will be written by Kelly Thompson with Elena Casagrande providing the art. The front cover will be done by Adam Hughes for at least the first volume, which will be available in April.


The series will supposedly explore the duality of the character and will feature a mystery in San Francisco that only she can solve. You can read more about the brand new comic series here.

So what are your thoughts on Black Widow getting her own solo comic book for the first time in a while? Do you think the premise of this one is intriguing? Whatever your thoughts happen to be comment below.


  1. This should be really good. I would love to learn more about her past. I have always wondered that since Avengers. You know how each part of Marvel has it’s own story that might be different from others like the comics or the tv series.


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