The 2020 Black Widow Movie Will Likely Be Marvel’s First R-Rated Film For the MCU

Marvel has always been criticized for playing it safe by always targeting the PG-13 target audience for the MCU. It should be noted that there have been some superhero franchises that have done incredibly well with an R-rating such as Fox’s Deadpool franchise or even their 2017 X-Men entry with Logan. DC has even been successful with the 2009 movie Watchmen directed by Zack Snyder based off the Alan Moore comic of the same name.

Well it has been speculated that the 2020 Black Widow movie staring Scarlett Johansson will be the first movie to break the mould for the MCU. More information on this piece of news can be found here.

It can certainly be an interesting take on the character, who is already wildly popular amongst fans. It will certainly lead to a lot of complaints from critiques and parents if Disney and Marvel do decide to go with an R-rating for the Black Widow movie because they will expect it to fall in line with the more kid friendly franchise everyone has grown to love with the Avengers series of movies. What do you think, do you think that Black Widow should get a PG-13 rating or an R-Rating, please comment your thoughts.

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